«It is an honor for me to address you, on behalf of His Excellency the Minister in the Cabinet of the Prime Minister and of Economy, in this forum, which allows the reinforcement of the existing ties between Germany and Portugal. The centenary relationship between these two countries is of the utmost relevance, whether in cultural, social or economic terms. Today, hundreds of thousands of Portuguese citizens carry out their life projects on German territory, while there is an increase in the number of German citizens seeking to live in Portugal.
Existing ties have helped both countries to successfully respond to their main challenges. The investment of German companies in Portugal is crucial due to the number of jobs it creates, the dissemination of knowledge it instigates and the wealth it generates. The way in which several Portuguese workers integrate into the German business fabric is also a demonstration of the reciprocity of the benefits that come from this relationship.
In this regard, it is important to highlight the recent growth in trade relations between both countries. Over the past few years, the German market has been a major destination for Portuguese food and agricultural products, while exports of durable goods and capital goods produced in Germany have increased».
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