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Histórico XXI Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2019-07-05 às 10h16

Intervenção do Ministro das Finanças na 54.ª Reunião Conjunta do Banco de Desenvolvimento do Conselho da Europa

«Portugal has been a member of the Council of Europe Development Bank for more than 40 years. Having joined the Bank in 1976, in the period that was marked by the transition to democracy, Portugal did also rely in the social-oriented focus of CEB to foster cohesion and development. Particularly, Portugal counts on the Bank’s support to its main investments that are focused on improving the coverage and quality of public services, and on enhancing human capital and social cohesion across the country.

Portugal is today a much different country. We are in a mature convergence path with our European partners. We reformed our Social Security, Education and training systems. We reformed the labour market (three major reforms in 10 years) and the financial sector. We did it to promote sustained development.

Most recently, having gone through a mild boom, a slump, and a severe recession, all packed into less than two decades, the Portuguese economy has re-emerged with a newfound strength».

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