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Histórico XXI Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2018-02-19 às 19h45

Intervenção do Ministro das Finanças e Presidente do Eurogrupo no diálogo macroeconómico com os parceiros sociais europeus

«I am, by training, a labour economist. As such, I have what I would call a natural bias towards the importance of human capital. Regular exchanges with the social partners, like this one, are important to ensure optimal policymaking and achieve our common goal of building a prosperous society.

We design institutions to make our societies more prosperous. Incomplete institutions often lead to poor and incomplete results.

Building resilience in our economies is a timely and crucial discussion in this context. The Euro Area was put to test during the crisis. I firmly believe that we are, today, on a better position to grow in a sustainable and inclusive way and prepare for future shocks.»

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