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Histórico XXI Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2018-02-23 às 18h52

Intervenção do Ministro das Finanças e Presidente do Eurogrupo na sessão de encerramento da conferência Economia Viva

«The question of today’s panel is:

"Does Growth have a Future in Europe?"

I will first give you a straight answer: Economic growth in Europe has a present and it has a future.

It hinges on our ability to adapt our economies and develop the mechanisms and the institutions that underpin the common currency and enable us to manage it together.

I will start talking about the economic situation and looking back at how we have reached the present state.

I will then turn to the future, focusing on how improving coordination and reforming the euro would equip our economies to better withstand the next crisis.

I will make the case for building a financial union and talk you through the steps we could take to get there.»

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