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Histórico XXI Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2018-02-21 às 9h34

Intervenção do Ministro das Finanças e Presidente do Eurogrupo na Comissão de Assuntos Económicos e Monetários do Parlamento Europeu

It is a pleasure to be here in the European Parliament's ECON Committee for my first economic dialogue. I take democratic accountability of my role very seriously and I see it as my duty to come to the European Parliament, as often as possible, to openly discuss with you the current economic developments.

I will start with a few words on the economic outlook and then review the Eurogroup's work on the national policy challenges as well on the deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). I will conclude with an update on Greece's ESM programme, which is approaching its end in a promising way.

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