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Histórico XXI Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2018-09-26 às 19h14

Intervenção da Secretária de Estado da Justiça na na 58.ª Assembleia dos Estados Membros da Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual (inglês)

«On behalf of the Portuguese Government, the Portuguese Permanent Mission in Geneva (Ambassador Pedro Nuno Bártolo) and the IP office (Leonor Trindade), my first words are to thank the presence of our host, the WIPO General Director, Mr. Gurry. It is an honor for us to be here in this Organization and celebrate with you one more decade of the Lisbon Agreement, like we had the pleasure to celebrate ten years ago in our capital. I express our full availability to continue cooperating actively with WIPO in the future.

A special thanks for our speakers, Mr. Ribeiro de Almeida, from the Oporto Wine Institute, and Mrs. Natalia Fauvrelle, from the Douro Museum, for accepting our invitation and being here to share with us your expertise and wonderful work in this important field. I sincerely find in this excellent panel the most relevant encouragement to discuss these matters.»

Leia a intervenção na íntegra em anexo.