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Histórico XXIII Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2024-03-05 às 16h27

Intervenção da Ministra da Justiça, Catarina Sarmento e Castro, por ocasião da Cerimónia de Abertura da Conferência Internacional On Religion and Freedom of Expression

Intervenção da Ministra da Justiça, Catarina Sarmento e Castro, por ocasião da Cerimónia de Abertura da Conferência Internacional On Religion and Freedom of Expression, organizada pela Association Internationale pour la Defense de la Liberté Religieuse (AIDLR)

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Lisboa, 7 de fevereiro de 2023

In these times of ours, we have been witnessing the worldwide resurgence of all forms of religiosity, from the awakening of Islam to the revival of Protestant evangelism, from the renewal of Christianity to the dissemination of new religiosities in Eastern Europe, from the resurgence of religions in China to the multiplication of churches in Africa.

And if, in Europe in particular, this resurgence is received with some surprise, perhaps it is because the social, economic, and political history of Europe has inadvertently distracted us from the evidence that religion is not only – and always has been – a symbolic and social domain that permeates the lives of all of us, but also a possibility of bonding the individual/citizen with a specific collective identity.

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