The Portuguese Borders and Immigration Service (SEF) has set up a new trilingual platform that allows all Ukrainian citizens and their families (household), as well as any foreign citizens residing in Ukraine to request online temporary protection for one year, which can be extended for two six-month periods. is a platform that will make it easier to obtain temporary protection and can only be used by citizens over 18.
Minors, due to their vulnerability, must confirm their next of kin or register for temporary protection a tone of the 24 SEF assistance counters exclusively for this purpose, open throughout the country as well as in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
The SEFforUkraine platform is available in Ukrainian, English, and Portuguese.
We recall that during this process, citizens under temporary protection have access to a taxpayer, social security, and national health service number, so they can have access at once to the various services and the job market.
All the useful information on this procedure and other aspects relating to the hosting and integration of people displaced due to the war in Ukraine can be found on the Government platform
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