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Histórico XXII Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2021-04-15 às 16h44

Intervenção do Primeiro-Ministro no COVAX Advance Market Commitment Investment Opportunity

«In this pandemic we all depend on each other. Covid-19 passes from person to person, from country to country and from continent to continent.

International solidarity is thus crucial to overcome this common challenge. COVAX plays an important part in that process.

The EU and its Member States are among the lead contributors to COVAX with over 2.2 (two point two) billion Euros. 853 (eight hundred and fifty-three) million Euros have already been mobilized by «Team Europe» to guarantee equitable access to vaccines.

Without International solidarity we cannot eradicate the pandemic from the entire world, whether in our own neighbourhood, in Latin America and particularly in Africa.

The pandemic has a disproportionate impact on those already most vulnerable. It impacts the lives of hundreds of millions of people, in particular in lower income countries.

For their sake and for our own sake, support for global vaccination must be increased.

Thank you!»

Intervenção do Primeiro-Ministro no evento COVAX AMC