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Histórico XXII Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2020-09-21 às 18h19

Intervenção do Secretário de Estado das Infraestruturas conferência «Innovative Rail Transport – connecting, sustainable, and digital» [Inglês]

I would like to congratulate the German Presidency, our partner in the Presidency TRIO, for organising this discussion on "Innovative Rail Transport".

Let me start by telling you about the important investments and cross-border cooperation that Portugal is currently undertaking.

We are making the biggest investment in railway infrastructure in the last 20 years. This includes significant investment in our railway connections to Spain.

Although it will take a few years to complete, this is a crucial step to reduce travel time and improve overall quality in cross-border rail connections both for passenger and freight.
The main Portuguese rail operator already cooperates with its Spanish counterpart Renfe in all passenger cross-border services, and we expect that this cooperation will go forward as new infrastructure becomes available to allow for better services for passengers.

The financing of rolling stock is also of the utmost importance for the development of rail services, especially in countries lagging behind in the modernisation of their rail fleets.

Leia a intervenção na íntegra em anexo.