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Histórico XXII Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2021-10-18 às 19h53

Intervenção do Secretário de Estado da Saúde na conferência anual da GIRP (European Healthcare Distribution Association)

«Our recovery and resilience plan means a boost of 1.2 billion euros to strengthen our NHS. This is, obviously, a nice amount, not to mention a huge opportunity to accelerate long due reforms. However, all this is worthless if it isn’t used in the best interest of our people.

That is why we are investing almost half a billion in changing our primary care system, to make it more proactive and integrated, and better equipped, not only to solve people’s problems, but also to anticipate them. To make sure that every person counts and that we can intervene, on an early stage, in everything that may potentially harm its well-being, even if we are talking about risks that aren’t directly health-related, with a better connection with Social Security and other entities.

That is also why we want to involve our citizens, their family and the whole community as NHS active partners, with programs such as the informal caregiver or by increasing health literacy to empower people.

Or why we are working on a proximity scheme that allows people to receive their medicines where it is most convenient to them.

Finally, this is why we are strongly compromised to keeping our NHS sustainable for everybody, by negotiating the fairer prices for our medicines, working on prescription process and on evaluation processes in every approval we give to new medicines.»

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Tags: saúde, hospitais