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Histórico XXII Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2020-07-08 às 16h59

Intervenção do Secretário de Estado Adjunto e da Energia no lançamento da Aliança H2 (inglês)

Today it's an extremely important day for Europe’s energy transition ambitions, in particular for hydrogen.

Deep decarbonisation presents us, both as countries and as EU members, with a unique set of challenges, for sure, but mainly opportunities. Opportunities that we, as Europeans, must firmly embrace, looking into the future, together. The following must always be said: the climate crisis is also an industrial and technological opportunity for the European Union and its Member States. And Clean Hydrogen illustrates this perfectly.

I´m certain that this Alliance will highly contribute to the development of the Hydrogen Economy in Europe. By aggregating relevant stakeholders, by pooling tremendous resources to increase scale and drive prices down and by having a unique collective focus and drive we can accelerate the implementation of a green hydrogen economy, create a full hydrogen value chain in Europe and ensure global industrial and technological leadership.

Leia a intervenção na íntegra em anexo.
Tags: ambiente, energia