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Histórico XXII Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2020-10-29 às 16h05

Intervenção do Secretário de Estado Adjunto e das Comunicações na reunião informal dos Ministros dos Transportes da União Europeia

«Portugal welcomes the initiative of the German Presidency to hold this informal meeting of transport ministers dedicated to "shaping the mobility of the future with digitalisation".

We agree that digitalisation is essential to achieve our shared environment and climate goals, as well as to improve competitiveness of the transport sector. Nevertheless, we should not take its impacts for granted:

- For instance, if automation is concentrated on private passenger vehicles only, we will end up having more cars on the roads, increasing greenhouse gas emissions. This is why automation is needed in public transport as well.

- Furthermore, to have more efficient traffic management, improved road safety and greener mobility, data must be shared in a co-operative manner between connected vehicles and also with the infrastructure.»

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