«Let me start by thanking European Union and EU-GCC Clean Energy Technology Network for the invitation and congratulate on the work developed and organization in the framework of Expo 2020.
As a member of the Portuguese Government, I am truly honoured to address those present here today for the EU Energy Day, to share Portuguese vision regarding the opportunities arising from the necessary energy transition, particularly on what concerns the role of renewable hydrogen in the decarbonization strategy and European Green Deal.
The challenges our society faces require concerted action in energy and climate. And as new challenges emerge, new solutions and opportunities must be found.
Hydrogen, particularly green hydrogen, is a crucial facilitator to achieve the objectives of the Green Deal, contributing to the pursuit of decarbonization, as an energy carrier and for long term storage, especially on those sectors where electrification is not feasible or not cost-effective. Considering the events of the last few months it’s clear that green hydrogen is cheaper than the others (types/ ex. Blue hydrogen). In Portugal it is cheaper.»
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