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Histórico XXII Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2021-05-06 às 14h45

Intervenção do Primeiro-Ministro na cimeira promovida pela Confederação Europeia de Sindicatos (ETUC) - inglês

«It’s a great pleasure to participate in another ETUC Summit and this time in Porto.
Thank you very much for the invitation.

This Trade Union Summit is most important because it takes place ahead of the Porto Social Summit, a flagship event of the Portuguese Presidency, that I am sure you will embrace as yours as well.

We must move from words to action, making together the European Pillar of Social Rights a reality for our citizens.

This pandemic is putting our societies and economies under great pressure. Nevertheless, the European Union has acted swiftly and proved itself capable of providing a strong and coordinated response to the current emergency.

The European Union has launched a set of crisis response policies and tools to support Member States, with the specific aim of protecting jobs, supporting workers, households and businesses.

Vaccination and the launch of economic and social recovery on a European scale are our best instruments to fight and to overcome the crisis caused by Covid-19.

Covid-19 has challenged us in the core of our societies, revealing many specific and common vulnerabilities.

If, on the one hand, it has shown us the value of our social model, it has also made dramatically more evident the need to strengthen it and to adapt it to present and future realities.


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