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Histórico XXII Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2021-02-22 às 17h16

Intervenção do Ministro das Infraestruturas e da Habitação no Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2021 (inglês)

«The pandemic crisis the world is facing today has proved that we all must be more active in sharing knowledge and building solutions - and that this will only be effective if this effort is deployed in a fast and collaborative way.

Portugal has a long heritage of discovering and creating new pathways. Portugal's spirit of exploration took us back in the 15th century to explore the oceans from Europe to Asia, building cross-continental trading of goods but also, and even more relevant, interchanging culture and knowledge.

But no country can live entirely from its historic achievements, turned to its past. That is why Portugal needs to make the best of current trends to be able to thrive in the future with the latest technological revolution.

We strongly believe that embracing the transformation brought by digital technologies will enable Portugal to continue to play a significant role in the world. 

Being the most Eastern country in Europe, we have a strategic geographic location to connect submarine cables, landing stations and robust data centres - thus making Portugal a crucial hub in such an essential sector for the digitalization of economy and society.

Also, clean energy availability has also been sought for decades, and will continue to be pursued in the future - with green hydrogen being the latest bet, with several projects on the pipeline.»

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