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Histórico XXII Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2021-03-04 às 18h46

Intervenção da Secretária de Estado da Inovação e da Modernização Administrativa na conferência da EIPA

«The pandemic crisis of Covid-19 has forced us to reinvent public services and reinforced what we already knew: that in times of uncertainty, the State has the responsibility to provide stability and ensure social cohesion. 

And to do so, we must unlock the potential of a human centric digital transformation, to have a more agile Public Administration, closer to people, capable of providing better services to citizens and businesses and creating new public value with more integrated public policies.

This is why the motto of the Portuguese Presidency is «Time to deliver: a fair, green and digital recovery» and the main events that will take place during this semester focus on this transformational agenda.»

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