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Histórico XXI Governo - República Portuguesa Voltar para Governo em funções


2018-09-06 às 17h30

Intervenção do Ministro das Finanças e Presidente do Eurogrupo na conferência do Eurofi em Viena (inglês)

«Over the past ten years, we implemented significant reforms at both national and European level and the economy is growing in a more sustainable way.

Against this backdrop, one can ask if the Economic and Monetary Union is already sufficiently equipped to withstand future shocks.

In today’s increasingly complex and unpredictable environment, aren’t there more important problems to solve?

- I believe we need to continue to reform the Eurozone because our EMU remains incomplete:

1) A number of structural elements to improve its ability to withstand external shocks and crises is still missing;

2) An effort to improve its financial and fiscal architecture is still needed;

3) We also need reforms to increase integration of financial, product and labour markets.

Without these, the economic and monetary union can only yield suboptimal results.»

Leia a intervenção em anexo.