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2024-05-15 at 12h51

Portugal does not foster resentment towards the former colonies

Minister of State and Foreign Affairs Paulo Rangel in Parliament (photo: José Sena Goulão/Lusa)

"The Portuguese Government, the Portuguese Governments, do not foster or instigate resentment. They foster mutual respect and reconciling history where it is imposed and justified", claimed the Minister of State and Foreign Affairs Paulo Rangel, adding that "Portugal is not afraid of its history. It will always fight for impartiality, non-bias, and historical truth".

The Minister said that "there are many who wish these reparations to be based on resentment", but the Portuguese Government will not encourage "any specific proceedings or action programme with the purpose of compensating other States for the Portuguese colonial past", although "it will apologise" where it is fair to do so.

Paulo Rangel also said that the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Education, Science and Innovation are "endeavouring to set up research, courses and even chairs in Tetum, Creole, Timorese, Cape Verdean, and São Timor languages at Portuguese schools of letters".

"These languages are a cultural treasure in our common history, they have a huge influence on Portuguese language that is yet to untap, study, and disclose. This is the sign we wish to give to the Portuguese, Parliament, and our brotherly peoples who speak Portuguese", he added.

The Minister noted that Portuguese cooperation with the Portuguese-speaking African and Asian countries stands at 1.2 billion euros in areas such as educaiton, health, culture, infrastructure, defence, and language. "We will not allow it to be hindered by those who do not want a healthy, just, and future-guided relationship", he stressed.

The Minister was speaking at the Parliamentary debate requested by the political party Chega on "historical reparations of former overseas colonies".