The average wage declared by employed workers to Social Security went up 7.2% in 2023 to 1,463 euros. This is a rise of 98 euros compared to the average wage declared in 2022, which was 1,365 euros.
In addition to the increase in the wages declared to Social Security, in 2023 the employed population went up 5%, going above 5 million workers.
Combining these two factors, contributions paid on income rose 2.7916 billion euros, a 12,5% increase.
In 2023, Social Security’s balance was 5.4644 billion euros, up 1.3964 billion euros on 2022.
This result was based on rising incomes and social investment:
• Pension rises of € 847 M (+4.3% or +7.8% minus the effect of the extraordinary benefit paid out in October 2022).
• A rise in the Solidary Complement for the Elderly of € 234.5 M (+17.7%)
• A rise in Family Benefit of € 168.5 M (+20.6 %)
• A rise in the Infancy Guarantee of € 60.6 M (+241.7%)
• A rise in the Parenting benefits of € 85 M (+11.9 %)
• A rise in the Informal Caretaker Assistance of € 10.0 M (+131.3%)
• A rise in Social Action programmes of € 220.3 M (+9.7 %)
• A rise in the Disease Benefit and Complement of € 73.0 M (+9.0%)
• A rise in the Unemployment Benefit of € 80.1 M (+6.3 %)
• In 2023, € 546 M were paid out in Extraordinary Benefits to vulnerable households and Extraordinary Benefit Complements for Children and Youths.
• With the new Extraordinary Rent Benefit, € 268.8 M were paid out to tenants in 2023.
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