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Historical XXIII Government - Portuguese Republic Back to Government in Office


2022-05-12 at 14h58

Speech by the Minister of Justice at the ceremony of opening for signature - second additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on enhanced Co-Operation and Disclosure of Eletronic Evidence

"Portugal is fully engaged in the prevention and fight against crime, particularly cybercrime, given its negative effects on the security and well-being of our citizens, on the full enjoyment of human rights, on our democracies and on the rule of law.

For these reasons we consider it particularly important to attend, as Minister of Justice, at the ceremony of signature of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime.

Investigating cybercrime properly requires firstly to understand its intrinsic international dimension. It is necessary to be aware that the investigation of this type of crime requires an active and effective international cooperation.

Without international cooperation, it is very unlikely that any investigation of a specific case of cybercrime will be successful."

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