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2024-02-16 at 15h51

Intervenção da Ministra da Justiça, Catarina Sarmento e Castro, por ocasião da Sessão de Abertura da Lisboa Summit 2023

Salão Nobre da Ordem dos Advogados

Lisboa, 22 de setembro de 2023

I shall begin by thanking for the invitation to participate in the opening session of the Lisboa Summit Twenty-twenty three, under the theme "Women Leaders in Law", organized by the Portuguese Bar Association in partnership with the European Bars Federation.


This event is of particular importance, given the impact and acuity that initiatives on this issue have for the full achievement of the Rule of Law, highlighting the changes that have occurred in the last two decades regarding the women's role in the Law and legal professions. 

Leia a intervenção na íntegra no ficheiro em anexo.