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Historical XXII Government - Portuguese Republic Back to Government in Office


2020-12-12 at 20h46

Prime Minister's Address to the Climate Ambition Summit

Earth is humanity’s only home. Five years ago we joined hands in Paris to preserve it for current and future generations, out of a sense of urgency and shared destiny. 

Portugal was among the first to ratify the Paris Agreement and to commit to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. 

To all that, we have recently added new commitments. 
First, we are ending coal-fired electricity generation in 2021, earlier than originally planned, and strengthening our commitment to renewables. 

Second, we believe that climate action should be at the heart of economic policies as we recover from the pandemic. 

Thus, 85% of our National Investment Programme will be allocated to sustainable infrastructure and to climate action. 

Third, as one of the European countries most affected by climate change, Portugal will start the practical work on its National Roadmap for Adaptation, which will constitute Portugal's adaptation communication under the Paris Agreement.

Fourth, we are therefore committed to strengthening Portugal's contribution to the financing of climate action in developing countries by 20 million euros over the next decade.

Read the Address